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Selected Past Presentations

Online political mobilization and engagement among local and diasporic African youth

Durotoye, T., Kurnaisari, T. Goyanes, M., and Gil de Zuniga, H.

To be presented in the International and Intercultural Communication Division at the NCA 110th Annual Convention: Communication For Greater Regard (November 2024)



*Division top student paper


A scholarly definition of artificial intelligence (AI): Advancing AI as a conceptual framework in communication research

Durotoye,T., Goyanes, M., and Gil de Zuniga, H.

Presented at AI Research Forum, Penn State (April 2024)



*Poster presentation


When news finds me, do I care about the source? Relative credibility of social media, algorithms, and news editors

Liao, M., Sun, Y., Durotoye, T., Sundar, SS., and Gil de Zuniga, H.

Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada (May 2023)



*High-density session


An Era of Digital Activism but Not-So-Maximal Influence? Examining Local vs. Diaspora Youth Mobilization and Engagement

Durotoye, T., Connolly-Ahern, C., and Olorunnisola, A.

Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Online Component- OCP23 (June-July 2023)


*Online conference presentation due to travel restrictions


Have we got news for you? Exemplification in Social Media

Medina, L., Durotoye T., and Jung, Y.

Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 105th Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, United States (August 2022)


*Poster presentation


Building stronger communities on social media: News Finds Me perception and social media reciprocity, Interaction, and social capital

Durotoye, T., Kurnaisari, T. Goyanes, M., and Gil de Zuniga, H.

Presented at the 107th Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) (August 2024)



*Poster presentation


Online and social media political participation: Political discussion network ties and differential social media platform effects over time

Durotoye, T., Goyanes, M., and Gil de Zuniga, H.

Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada (May 2023)


How much will you share? Exploring information privacy concerns and information sharing behavior

Durotoye, T., Ahmed, R., and Lana, M.

Presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada (May 2023)


To protect or to undermine? Free speech, social media platforms, and political expression.

Durotoye, T.

Presented at the Graduate Student Workshop, Communications, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC) 50th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., United States (September 2022)


© 2024 by Timilehin C. Durotoye

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